Wet Behind The Ears Page 2
Overcooked :
Some ides can be way over thought.
Which in turn can make your mind and body be distraught.
Lay off the thinking and be a daydreamer.
And run through life being that loud obnoxious screamer.
And never forget what the past has taught.
Energy :
What is the gas that fuels your tank?
Is it all the money you want to put in the bank?
Is it the guy down the street named Frank?
Is it the girl everyone says is a skank?
Just what ever you do.
Don’t ever, ever run out of fuel.
You have the power :
You can do this , and don’t let no one say other wise.
Because the biggest losers are them other guys.
So keep plugging away.
And you will end up winning everyday.
So as long as you have the inner power.
It will never blow away like baking flower.
Age :
As I get older my hair gets thinner.
But my belly gets bigger, because I don’t miss any dinner.
The only way to keep young.
Is to watch out and make sure you don’t slip on life’s dung.
So keep your old eyes open on life’s long run.
Family :
What is your meaning of this word?
Is it a group with the same blood in that herd?
Or could it be people with no blood connection ?
You know, the ones who push you in the right direction.
FAMILY, it’s whoever you have in your little collection.
Fear :
Fear can be your best friend.
Use your fear as a powerful energy that will extend.
Just focus and take on the task at hand.
You will then be the best drummer in life’s big marching band.
So take what you have as fear.
And make it your enemies heart stabbing spear.
Thoughts in my Head :
There are times when my brain just wants to cut lose.
It just feels like the thoughts want to grow wings and fly like a goose.
But the only way for this to happen is type out the words right here.
So that I don’t go insane and shed a big fat tear.
After awhile this action feels so good.
I hope that I’m not misunderstood.
Future :
Who knows what the future will bring.
Some people are so scared they end up drinking.
Some people mess it up by having a one night fling.
To me the unknown can bring a nice little upswing.
Just let things happen and enjoy life like a kid on a swing
Silly Me :
Just when you think you’re doing right.
Others will step in and tell you to go take a hike.
The skin turns red and you start to sweat.
All because of what others say, your attitude goes in debt.
The attitude and energy runs out of joy.
All to find out you’re not the real McCoy.
Don’t listen :
Those at the top.
May see you as a threat , and try to make you stop.
Ignore their evil ways.
You will end up having much brighter days.
They are the scared ones inside.
So don’t you be the one who runs and hide!
Evil :
Out there in this world there is an evil force.
We need to stick together and push it off our course.
It is the word greed.
There are millions who are in need.
We need to work together and spread compassion indeed.
How Does it Feel :
As long as you enjoy what you are doing
Don’t listen to all the hate others are spewing.
Let them eat their sickness they are chewing.
Because you have a lot of good ides in your head just a brewing.
The End :
Just when you think the end is here.
I want to make myself very clear.
I am just getting started with this my dear.
So don’t shed a tear.
I will be back in high gear.
About me ,the Author.
Hello, I am living in the Midwest in some state at the moment . I have never done anything like this in my entire life. I was told I should try something like this. I thought no way, I have no idea what I am doing ( I hope you do not think that after reading my short poems ) . So after some thinking, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and give this a whack . I did these“ poems” in about 3 hours. I hope I did not make a fool of myself, but I will never know until now. Until next time ( hope there is one ). Enjoy life. As long as you wake up breathing life is good.